Building Trust In A Relationship- By: Anthony S Carter

Description : It can take a lifetime to build, and it can be completely and utterly destroyed in a single instant. It is something that must be earned and can never be bought at any price. Though, if the relationship is to last, it must be present. So, what are we talking about here? Mutual trust. And, knowing how to build trust in a relationship means the difference between utter failure and "happily ever after."

The process of building trust usually happens for a couple without either partner really realizing that it is taking place. It is (almost) completely natural. Of course, some couples do struggle at building trust between one another. Why? If the process is so natural for most couples, what would cause another couple to have difficulties in this area?

In most cases, some form of past or present behavior of a partner has caused the other to be inable to trust or be trusted by the former. If an individual has been hurt in the past by an ex-partner, for example, he or she may have a difficult time trusting any new partner regardless of whether or not that new partner has given them any reason not to trust them. In other words, he or she may have been burned by their previous partner when that person abused their trust. Unfortunately, once something like this happens, it can be very difficult for the "scalded" individual to trust potential new partners in the future.

Whether you are having a hard time trusting your new partner or you are struggling to get them to trust you, here are some tips to help the two of you learn how to build trust in a relationship:

Never Keep Secrets

Secrets can be real killers of relationships. To be trustworthy, you should make every effort to be open and honest with your parnter, and they must do the same in return. Before keeping any secret, you should realize and treat it as though it most likely will eventually come out. With that in mind, what do you think will happen when the secret is out? Nothing good will come of holding something back that may affect your partner once he or she finds out.

Now, does this mean that you must tell your partner every little detail, holding nothing back, and keeping no thought to yourself? Of course it doesn't. There is a difference between something being "secret" and something being "private." But, how exactly do you differentiate between the two? It's not that difficult. A secret is anything that can or will affect your partner in any way, shape, or form by them not knowing what that secret is. Whereas, something that can be kept private is anything, such as thoughts or portions of your past, that have nothing to do with nor in no way impact your parnter or the course of his or her life.

Reliable Is Trustworthy

Learning how to build trust in a relationship doesn't have to be overly complicated. A great start includes just being reliable. Make sure you follow through on everything you tell your parnter that you will do. Whether it is as simple as taking out the trash or meeting your partner for a date on time, it doesn't matter. Do what you say you will do. Your partner will learn over time that you can be counted on to keep your word when you are consistently reliable.

Match What Comes Out Of Your Mouth To Your Body Language

Communicationg between two individuals consists of more than just the spoken word. Your body also "speaks" volumes." And, the language that the body speaks is noticed even moreso by women than men. With that being said, it is important that what you say corresponds with what your body's behavior is portraying. In other words, if you agree verbally while your facial expression or posture suggests that you totally disagree, then it'll be difficult for your partner to trust your word. For example, if your partner asks if you'd like to go dancing this Saturday, and you say "yes" with an uninterested, almost annoyed smirk on your face while rolling your eyes, then you shouldn't be surprised when your partner doesn't really believe that you want to go.

Learning how to build trust in a relationship is essential in order to make the love that you and your partner share last a lifetime. While it seems to come naturally for some couples, others struggle endlessly. Keep the preceeding tips in mind, however, and you may just be able to take your relationship to the next level and beyond.

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Author Resource : Anthony S. Carter writes for "Read Into Your Relationship," a blog dedicated to providing free advice on relationships through articles, relationship quotes, and more. Discover how to improve or even save your relationship today at: